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Vardøhus fortress the world's northernmost and Norway's easternmost fortress

Vardøhus festning, Vardøhus Fortress, Vardø,  Visit Varanger
Vardøhus festning, Vardøhus Fortress, Vardø,  Visit Varanger
Vardøhus festning, Vardøhus Fortress, Vardø,  Visit Varanger
Vardøhus festning, Vardøhus Fortress, Vardø,  Visit Varanger
Vardøhus festning, Vardøhus Fortress, Vardø,  Visit Varanger
Vardøhus fortress the world's northernmost and Norway's easternmost fortress
The first fortifications on Vardøya Island were built as early as 1307 by King Håkon V Magnusson to protect the north-easternmost reaches of the Norwegian realm. During the Middle Ages, both Sweden and the Republic of Novgorod had interests in and around the Barents Sea, so it was important for Norway to highlight its sovereignty. A new fortress was built on the site at some point in the 1400s. In the seventeenth century, this fortress was the setting for the numerous witch trials that were held in Vardø, and the alleged witches were held for trial in these buildings.

> About Vardø
Founded in 1789, Vardø is the oldest town in northern Norway. The first settlement in Vardø dates back to the 1330s when Håkon Magnusson had Vardøhus Fort built to defend Norway’s eastern border. Today’s fort is the most northerly in the world, and was completed in 1738.
In the 17th century some of the worst witch trials in northern Europe were held in Vardø.

Almost 80 women were sentenced to death by burning for practicing witchcraft and magic. In August 1944 the Allies bombed the town. Although much of the town burnt down many buildings did not succumb to the flames. Pomor trade was conducted from 1740 until the Russian Revolution in 1917. Vardø was often called the Pomor capital. Today Vardø has around 2 000 inhabitants.


Welcome to Varanger Arctic Norway

In the far north and as far east as you can go in Norway, where the sky meets the sea, lies Varanger, bathed in the midnight sun and the northern lights of winter. Here the wild landscape meanders through bird-nesting cliffs, fishing villages, and rugged headlands – out to the end of the world.
Nature offers rivers teeming with fish, snow-clad plains, exotic king crabs, birds breeding in spring, leaping salmon, the shining sea, and dancing northern lights. People and traditions make Varanger an Arctic melting pot of communities and cultures. Varanger is a different experience. Scenery and settlements, the light, the colours, the lofty sky and wide horizon, exciting activities and the open people.


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Source: Book Finnmark

Vardøhus fortress the world's northernmost and Norway's easternmost fortress


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