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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Moose safari

Moose safari
Moose safari
The king
Ku i solnedgang
Moose Safari
Moose Safari
Moose Safari
Moose Safari
Moose Safari
Moose Safari
Moose safari
Moose safari
Moose safari
Moose safari
Moose safari
Moose safari
Moose safari

Guided excursion to see the moose, king of the forest.

Meet the king of the forest! In the twilight of the evening the moose otherwise known as the king of the forest begin their movements. Why not join us on a car ride for a moose safari! This is a great opportunity to see these wonderful wild animals in their natural settings. Coffee and cookies are served on tour to all of our moose enthusiasts.

Moose safari


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