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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Rafoss waterfall Kvinesdal

Rafossen is a waterfall located seven kilometres from Kvinesdal town centre. It is a powerful waterfall with a 42 metre drop.

From Kvinesdal, drive north on road 465 until you see a little wooden sign that says Rafossen. You proceed up the narrow road for approximately two kilometres until the road stops.

The waterfall is a five minute walk from there. There are local houses here and no official parking place, so please be courteous and ask locals if you can park there.

The area is fenced off for cattle and sheep, but this can also be used as a safety buffer zone for children.

There is smooth rock platform leading to the waterfall which is perfect for a picnic or fishing.

Source: Lister Reiseliv


Rafoss waterfall Kvinesdal

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