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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Stenberg Friluftsmuseum

WEB_Sommeridyll_kjærester_Stenberg_Foto_VisitØstNorge_Hans Haug
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Stenberg - Sommer 2017 - Foto Jan Tore Øversveen (23)
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Stengerg park og hage 1
Stenberg - Sommer 2017 - Foto Jan Tore Øversveen (14)
Welcome to Stenberg open air museum - completely original! In the district governor's farm Stenberg you will find the original 1814 environment that has been recreated in the Eidsvoll building. The farmyard, the houses and the park are as they were in the early 19th century, and this was the home of constitution signatory Lauritz Weidemann, his wife Ditlevine and their children. Mjøsmuseet's guide gives you a peek into the lives of the inhabitants of this singular residence. The café Ditlevines utsikt serves exquisite food based on recipes left by the family that lived at Stenberg. The hosts, known from Kulturstua in Ro, arrange unique and delicious food experiences that combine perfectly with a museum full of opportunities.

Source: Visit Øst-Norge

Stenberg Friluftsmuseum

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