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Østre Toten

Hjemmefronthytta på Totenåsen

Totenåsenstien dag 3 Torsæterkampen Juli 2022 Foto Heidi Gran
Torsæterkampen sommer 2022 Foto Visit Øst-Norge Heidi Gran
Hjemmefronthytta på Totenåsen

The home front cabin in Totenåsen
The home front cabin was built in Skreia in the autumn of 1944 by the Norwegian resistance. It enjoys a lofty location on the Torseterkampen mountain, 856 metres above sea level. The cabin could house up to 20 men. It burnt down in 2009. Mjøsmuseet has built a copy of the cabin, which was completed in 2012. The home front cabin is managed by Mjøsmuseet.

The cabin can be used for day trips, but we regret that overnight stays are not permitted. The woodstove can be used. Please leave the cabin in the state you would like to find it.

Hognsætra is a good starting point for a walk to the home front cabin (Approx. 1–1.5 hours).

How can I borrow the key?
The cabin is locked. If you want to go inside, please contact Mjøsmuseet in order to get the code for the key-lockbox.
- Phone number: +47 911 70 500.


Source: Visit Øst-Norge

Hjemmefronthytta på Totenåsen

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