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Indre Østfold

Birdwatching: Lysakermoen, Indre Østfold


Lysakermoa nature reserve is located in the far south-west of Eidsberg in Indre Østfold.

Lysakermoa nature reserve is south west in Indre Østfold. By Nedre Lysaker farm next to Glomma`s eastern side. Glomma`s stream is calm at this area, and big banks of mud has created a shallow water area. This is a good baiting ground for ducks and wading birds. The lake usually won`t freeze here, making it an important place for several birds. The area is roughly 2 km of shoreline in hundreds of meters width. 

How to get there:

Take rv. 124 south to Rakkestad from Sekkelstenkrysset on E18. After ca. 8 km you`ll be at Eidsberg church. Keep going for ca. 2,3 km south, take a right at the bottom of a long hill and take off til a small parkingspot, signed Fugletårn/birdtower. Follow a path 350 m to Glomma and Lysaker farm. 

Source: Visit Indre Østfold

Birdwatching: Lysakermoen, Indre Østfold

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