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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Øyna hotel - a cultural landscape hotel

Inderøy Øyna Foto Sigurd Løseth drone (2)
Øyna utsikt
Øyna rom med utsikt
Øyna Frokost
Øyna Kulturlandskapshotell oversiktsbilde WEB
Øyna romskilt
Øyna, Uteomerådet
Øyna - inkl ny konferansebygningen

- Accommodtion with panoramic views in the middle of the cultural landscae in Inderøy

At Øyna kulturlandskapshotell you stay in modern rooms in beautiful surroundings integrated into the landscape. The hotel is at the top of Inderøy, with an incredible view over the Trondheimsfjord, the Fosen Alps and the Golden Road.

Øyna feature 18 spectacular hotel rooms, 2 of which are suites. Each room has large windows and its own balcony and the rooms hang out over the landscape which gives you a feeling of floating.

Electric car charging
Øyna hver 4 chargers, 35KWh. Payment via app; Zaptech, or via the home page. (Payment information can be found on the charges also).


Source: Innherred Reiseliv

Øyna hotel - a cultural landscape hotel

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